Past, present, and future events organized by DICARP
Climate Justice and Disability Rights Webinar
When? 23 May 2023 @ 4:00 PM EDT
On May 30th at 4:00 pm (EDT), the Climate Change Working Group (in collaboration with the BCCE Disability Rights Working Group, the Climate Litigation Network, McGill University and the International Disability Alliance) invites you to join us for a Webinar panel discussion on Disability Rights and Climate Litigation. The panel brings together academics, lawyers, activists, and individuals with lived experiences to discuss existing and prospective climate litigation that addresses the impacts of climate change and climate action on people with disabilities. Our goals for this event are threefold: (1) generate knowledge of key trends, opportunities, and challenges in disability-focused climate litigation; (2) catalyze the development of new disability-focused climate litigation; and (3) identify key principles and best practices for developing disability-focused climate litigation through an anti-oppressive approach.
UNCRPD side-event
An official side-event hosted at the 15th session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD. Co-organized by the McGill Centre for Human Rights & Legal Pluralism, the International Disability Alliance, and the World Institute on Disability
When? 17 June 2022 @ 10:00-11:15 AM ET
This side-event focuses on opportunities and challenges for fostering disability inclusion in the context of climate mitigation efforts. Many climate mitigation measures aimed at reducing carbon emissions, such as bans on single-use plastics or the development of inaccessible mass transit systems, have been inaccessible to persons with disabilities and have reinforced social inequities. States should take steps to design climate mitigation actions that enhance, rather than undermine, the ability of people with disabilities to access low-carbon infrastructures, goods, and services and benefit from the emergence of green economy jobs and initiatives. By pursuing synergies between the realization of disability rights and the pursuit of initiatives to reduce carbon emissions, states can contribute to the emergence of disability-inclusive and more sustainable societies.
Click here to watch the event on YouTube.
Official special COP-27 side-event
From Exclusion to Leadership: People with Disabilities Develop an Agenda for Inclusive Climate Action
When? 10 November 2022 @ 6:30-8:00 PM ET
Persons with disabilities are recognized as being acutely impacted by climate change, particularly in countries that are at the forefront of the climate crisis. At the same time, research indicates that a very limited number of countries include any reference to persons with disabilities in their climate policies and commitments. If climate action is to reach the most affected, it is vital that it includes those most marginalized to meet their needs and draw on their capacities. Our side event will present some recent evidence and recommend measures to make sure that persons with disabilities and their representative organizations are at the front and centre of a rights-based response to climate change.
This side-event includes DICARP’s advisory network member Elham Youssefian, who shared findings from our research!
Click here to watch the event on YouTube.
Official special COP-26 side-event
Disability-Inclusive Climate Action: Rights and Obligations
When? 5 November 2021 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM GMT (7:30 - 8:45 AM ET)
CART and Sign Language interpretation are provided.
Click here to watch the event on YouTube.
Disability & Philanthropy Forum: Climate Change & Disability
When? 23 September 2021 @ 2:00 PM ET
In order to meaningfully respond to and combat our changing climate, philanthropy must include disabled people in their efforts to better understand and fund solutions. Join John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation President and CEO John Palfrey in conversation with disability and climate justice activists Daphne Frias, Valerie Novack, and Dr. Yolanda Muñoz to learn about the intersections between disability and climate change and to explore philanthropy’s role in supporting meaningful community-based solutions.
This free webinar is part of a series focusing on the connections between disability and key social justice issues, made possible by the Presidents' Council on Disability Inclusion in Philanthropy. The expert panel includes DICARP’s Dr. Yolanda Muñoz!
This event is very useful and motivating for those who wish to continue producing knowledge and building bridges between disability and climate change philanthropists and human rights advocates.
CART will be provided. If you require another accommodation to fully participate in the webinar, please note it in your registration, or contact Pat Daley at or 312-970-9394.
Presented by the Yale DiversAbility Alumni Group & Yale Blue Green
When? 28 July 2021 @ 5:00-6:00 PM ET
This thought-provoking event features two DICARP members: Dr. Yolanda Muñoz and Marcie Roth!
During this dynamic convening of disabled creative practitioners, we will celebrate and honor the work of the DISABILITY FUTURES fellows and their collaborators through never-before-seen performances, compelling conversations, and even a virtual dance party.
When? 19-20 July 2021
See especially the event “Bodies of wisdom: Disability Justice x Climate Justice” on JULY 19 | 5:00 - 6:00 PM ET
Communities around the world are grappling with the growing number and intensity of climate-related disasters because of climate change. Many in the disability community are asking, “When climate disaster strikes, will able-bodied allies be there for us?”.
In this session, DISABILITY FUTURES Fellow and Sins Invalid Co-Founder, Executive and Artistic Director, Patty Berne along with climate justice organization, Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project, will host a conversation exploring the connections between climate justice and disability justice in the era of human-generated climate change. This session will also feature a screening selection from Sins Invalid’s 2020 virtual performance, We Love Like Barnacles.
Featuring Patty Berne, Sins Invalid, and Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project
Welcoming remarks from Rebecca Cokley, Program Officer, Office of the President, Ford Foundation
This event will feature American Sign Language (ASL) and live closed captioning and audio descriptions in English. Following each session, transcripts will be available upon request. If you require any additional accommodation or service or if you are experiencing any accessibility issues with the registration site, please contact as soon as possible.
2021 Economic and Social Committee Humanitarian Affairs Segment Side Event
Our voices count: young people with disabilities and climate action
On Thursday 24 June 8:30 to 10:00 AM CET, UNICEF and the International Disability Alliance provided a forum for exchange, moderated by Dr. Yolanda Muñoz, with the participation of our Advisory Panel member Dr. Karina Chupina, on how persons with disabilities and their representative organizations can participate in climate action at a local level. In particular, this event engaged young persons with disabilities in identifying effective strategies to strengthen their advocacy. This discussion built on the substantial gains that have been made in recent years in terms of strengthening participation by persons with disabilities as actors in humanitarian responses, including public health emergencies.
Disability-Inclusive Climate Action: Why and How?
When? Wednesday, 16 June 2021 @ 8:30 AM EDT / 2:30 CET
Presented by the International Disability Alliance (IDA) and the government of the United Kingdom
Sébastien Jodoin will be moderating this exciting Virtual Side Event at the 14th Session of the Conference of the Parties.
Stay updated on Twitter and Facebook!
Madrid | 2021
Hosted by ONCE
When? Monday, 28 June 2021 – Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Additional Events: June 25th & 26th, 2021
Climate Change Webinar: Thursday, June 28, 2021 @ 14:30-16:00 EDT (18:30-20:00 GMT, 20:30-22:00 Madrid Time)
Dr. Yolanda Muñoz will be present, along with other esteemed panelists, in this fascinating webinar. This panel session will explore the importance of accessible information, health and wellbeing considerations, working in disability-inclusive partnerships in disaster risk reduction, and much more. Presentations will include disability-inclusive initiatives and research as well as the on-the-ground situation for children with disabilities and their families in Kiribati, a small Pacific Island Country that is at the forefront of climate change.
Towards Disability-Inclusive Climate Action @ NYC Climate Week
When? 22 September 2020 @ 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM ET
Hosted By the McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism
Chair: Yolanda Muñoz, McGill University
Opening remarks by Marcie Roth, World Institute on Disability
Featured speakers:
Setareki Macanawai, Pacific Disability Forum, ONG Inclusiva (Chile); Pratima Gurung, Indigenous Persons with Disabilities Global Network & Nepal Indigenous Disabled Association; Stefan Trömel, International Labour Organization; Sébastien Jodoin, McGill University
Closing remarks by Elham Youssafat, International Disability Alliance
Although persons with disabilities constitute 15% of the world’s population, they have been largely invisible to policymakers, experts, and activists working in the field of climate change. In this virtual event, persons with disabilities from all over the world will discuss the challenges and opportunities for developing disability-inclusive responses to the climate crisis. Among other topics, they will address the disproportionate ways in which climate change harms disabled persons; the lessons learned with disability inclusion in other fields that could apply to climate change; the role of disability rights in responding to climate change; and the contributions of the disability community to resolving the climate crisis. This event will also mark the launch of the Disability-Inclusive Climate Action Research Program established at McGill University.
#McGillUniversity | #NYCClimateWeek | #ClimateAction | #ClimateJustice | #Disability | #Inclusion | #CHRLP